This is the subtraction code, below describes the algorithm and how to use it

The Maths

To find the raw subtraction D:

\[\widehat{D} = \frac{\left(F_r\widehat{P_r}\widehat{N} - F_n\widehat{P_n}\widehat{R}\right)}{\sqrt{\sigma_n^2 F_r^2|\widehat{P_r}|^2 - \sigma_r^2 F_n^2|\widehat{P_n}|^2}}\]

Looking at the statistical image:

\[S = F_d D \otimes \overleftarrow{P_D}\]

and finally, the correlated noise statistical image:

\[S_{corr} = \frac{S}{\sqrt{V(N_{s}) + V(R_{s}) + V_{fwhm}(N_{s}) + V_{fwhm}(R_{s})}}\]

As described in B.Zackay, E.Ofek, A.Gal-Yam (2016).

Running ZOGY Tutorial

Install the standards

import glob
import ntpath
import time
import shutil
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.io import fits
import numpy as np

#ZOGY in Parallel routines
from zogyp.zip import run_ZOGY
from zogyp.zip import rdfits
from zogyp.zip import config_loc

#Image alignment
#from zogyp.spali2 import spalipy

#from zogyp.zo_coadd import med_comb
#from zogyp.zo_coadd import prop_coad

Find the directory of the configuration files, these will need to be edited for best peformance


The two files of interest are default.sex and psfex.conf

Get the test images

t_f = LOC.replace('configfls','test')
T = [i for i in glob.glob(t_f+'/*')]

Basic Subtraction

run_ZOGY(T[0], T[1], outname='TEST_SUB') #ZOGY image subtraction T[0] - T[1]

Let’s plot the subtractions

file_names = glob.glob('Zoutput/*')
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 5, figsize=(20,45))
for i in range(len(file_names)):
    D = fits.getdata(file_names[i])
    axs[i].imshow(D, cmap = 'gray_r', vmin = -np.mean(D)*20, vmax= np.mean(D)*20)
    axs[i].set_xticks([] , [])
    axs[i].set_yticks([] , [])

ZiP is a fast image subtraction tool. If speed is a vital component for your subtraction, pay attention to the clean_ref and clean_sci parameters. They exist to clean up small order over fitting of the PSF from PSFex. The smaller the parameter the faster the subtraction, (usually 0.25 should suffice). As this is on a normalised PSF, the cleaning parameter has to be between 0 and 1 and will remove any pixel values in the kernel smaller than the cleaning param

Array = []
PLOTS = []
for i in range(11):
    t = time.time()
    X = i/10
    run_ZOGY(T[0], T[1], clean_ref = X, clean_sci = X)
    Array.append([X, (time.time() - t)])
    plt.imshow(fits.getdata('Zoutput/data_D1.fits')[630:690, 1254:1300])
    plt.xticks([], [])
    plt.yticks([], [])

Use PSF slices to do subtractions even faster. Slices are used primarily to apply a varrying PSF across the field. This can be done in parallel and the slices are smaller which speeds up the subtraction

run_ZOGY(T[0], T[1], xslice=2, yslice=2)

Sub images (not to be confused with the PSF slices from above) split the main image. These sub images can be subtracted simultaneously, and is the backbone of what makes ZiP so fast. These output images should be treated as seperate (independant images) when doing analyses.

run_ZOGY(T[0], T[1], sub_imagex=1, sub_imagey=2)

Plot the sub-images

file_names = glob.glob('Zoutput/data_D*')
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10,8))
for i in range(len(file_names)):
    D = fits.getdata(file_names[i])
    axs[i].imshow(D, cmap='gray')
    axs[i].set_xticks([] , [])
    axs[i].set_yticks([] , [])

Finally, put it all together!

run_ZOGY(T[0], T[1], sub_imagex=1, sub_imagey=2,
         xslice=2, yslice=2, blackout=True,
         clean_ref = 0.75, clean_sci = 0.75,
         outname = 'FINAL')

plt.imshow(fits.getdata('Zoutput/FINAL_Scorr1.fits'), cmap='gray_r' ,vmin=-0.25, vmax=0.25)


Parameter Purpose Range
sub_imagex Number of sub-images from slices on the x-axis >0
sub_imagey Number of sub-images from slices on the y-axis >0
xslice PSF kernels built for each sub-image x-axis >0
yslice PSF kernels built for each sub-image y-axis >0
blackout Clears any part of the reference image that does not overlap with the science image True / False
clean_sci cleans the science PSF kernel, anything less than the param = 0 0<, <1
clean_ref cleans the reference PSF kernel, anything less than the param = 0 0<, <1
outname Name for the output files str
align If true, will align the science image to the reference True / False

Tips and Tricks

To Do