
A robust image registration technique for wide fields of view

spali2 is the successor to the detection based image registration algorithm spalipy . Here, this section will cover the functionality and how to use spali2

The Algorithm

Firstly, two catalogs are built using sextractor. These catalogs will detail source positions and fluxes. Quads are built in both catalogs ( Hogg et al 2010 ) and are then compared to one another. Using the position, rotation, and scaling differences, an affine transform is built (scipy). !!! WARNING: the affine transformation uses scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform which does not handle NaNs properly. Replace all NaN values in the input image prior to running spalipy !!!

Second, once the affine transform is done, the remaining residuals are compared to see where higher order transfroms are needed. This builds a 2D-spline surface to represent the residuals in x and y axes. The spline surfaces are then implemeneted to properly register the images.

Using Spali2

As usual, import stuff

import glob
import ntpath
import time
import shutil
import subprocess
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import fits
import numpy as np

#ZOGY in Parallel routines
from import run_ZOGY
from import rdfits
from import config_loc

#Image alignment
from zogyp.spali2 import spalipy

#from zogyp.zo_coadd import med_comb
#from zogyp.zo_coadd import prop_coad

To align image1 to image2

Output = spalipy(image1, image2, name='SPLINE.fits')

If your images are not sextractor compliant, you can remake the fits files and try again

R = rdfits(image1)
D = rdfits(image2)
Output = spalipy(R, D, name='SPLINE.fits')['rm', R, D])

Finally, if your images are small and not prone to wide distorions or you are really pressed for time, you can take out the spline step.

ali = spalipy(image1, image2, spline=False)