Proper Coadition

This is the Co-Addition (or image stacking) tool, below describes the algorithm and how to use it The following was developed from B.Zackay and E.O. Ofek. (2015a) and B.Zackay and E.O. Ofek. (2015b).

The Maths

To find proper image from co-addition, R:

\[\widehat{R} = \frac{\sum_j \frac{F_j}{\sigma_j} \overline{{\widehat{P_j}}} \widehat{M_j}} {\sum_j \sqrt{\frac{F_j^2}{\sigma_j^2} |\widehat{P_j}|}}\]

The derrivation can be found in B.Zackay, et al. (2016).

Using Proper Co-Addition

Import everything!

import glob
import ntpath
import time
import shutil
import subprocess
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import fits
import numpy as np

#ZOGY in Parallel routines
#from import run_ZOGY
#from import rdfits
from import config_loc

#Image alignment
#from zogyp.spali2 import spalipy

from zogyp.zo_coadd import med_comb
from zogyp.zo_coadd import prop_coad

The coad funcitons take a list of fits files and stacks them (Assuming they are aligned)

This can be done using either the directory of the images needing to be stacked:

Ref_data = prop_coad(["path/to/Directory/"])

or using the individual file names:

Ref_data = prop_coad(["list","of","aligned","fits","files"])

you can save the reference image too

out_file, R = prop_coad(["Directory"], make_fits=True)

Finally all of this can be done with median combination also (which is significantly faster, but leaves a lower quality reference)

out_file, R = med_comb(["Directory"], make_fits=True)